Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Micro-Climate Engineering Technology MCET

Weather Modification: Harvesting water out of Cumuliforms over target
 ‘Micro-Climate Engineering Technology MCET’ by agent LN2:   

( Intellectual Property Right Patented )

Inventor: M.L. Chititewan Devakul,    Year 2013


The methods of weather modification, by the use of different techniques of ground and airborne operations with various kinds of small amounts of non-toxic agents or substances dispensing them into the atmosphere in order to modify weather, have long been known and is continuously being applied and carried out in numerous places around the world to improve weather conditions in which each operation yields intended result at some certain levels  in areas larger than microscale expanding up to, by possibly some chain reactions, near medium mesoscale or less. Some techniques are also well documented and patented. The objectives shared are to assess, evaluate and to be more certain of what we do and know presently and to learn more of new things for newer assumptions and hypothesis regarding atmospheric science and to spend more effort to increase more fresh water resources, as there are even more huge demands nowadays, by means of weather modifications to increase snow-fall, rain-fall, and also to possibly stop or mitigate destructive adverse weather conditions of fog, haze, smoke, dust, hail, rain and other severe storms in some circumstances and cases. All methods are certainly invented for greater benefit of all mankind in general.

The inventions: Abstract: 

The aims of weather modification by ‘Micro-Climate Engineering Technology’ MCET, as named by the inventor for the following techniques, of Rain Clouds Precipitation Stimulation and Enhancement Techniques are invented in order to modify weather of existing rain clouds to hasten and force them to yield rain as well as to promote the onset of higher total surface rain-fall also more precisely over intended targets.
Fog, Haze, Heavy Mist, Clouds, and Weather Damage Mitigation and Dispersing Techniques are also the subjects of invention in order to disperse undesired adverse weather conditions and storms before they become too intensified causing any negative affect, ground damages, and destructions.

The MCET, the techniques of inventions herein are by the application for the use of very common kind of completely natural cryogenic agent – substance of ‘LN2 Liquid Nitrogen’ in airborne spraying from the aircraft directly into the atmosphere. The techniques are considerably very new and most environmental friendly, practical, satisfactory, economical, very low-cost, efficient, as well as effective as seen and evident by inventor through the past recent years of research, study, and experiment. 

Summary of inventions:

1) Rain Clouds Precipitation Stimulation and Enhancement Techniques.

2) Fog, Haze, Heavy Mist, Clouds, and Weather Damage Mitigation and Dispersing Techniques.

Detailed descriptions:

Rain Clouds Precipitation Stimulation and Enhancement Techniques: 

Rain Clouds Precipitation Stimulation and Enhancement Techniques:
The techniques are invented and architected to stimulate, hasten, and force existing rain clouds to yield rain along with more total precipitation out of them at desired period of times and places or at the water catchment targets. 

Intensified convective rain cloud normally yields rain when the convective rain cloud’s physical temperature naturally drops down to its dew point which causes by a final stage and condition of full condensation mode of rain droplets of the cloud.

The application of the invention is for the use of cryogenic agent - substance of ‘LN2 Liquid Nitrogen’ which, under normal atmospheric pressure, has a boiling point of minus 192 degrees Celsius through its evolution of evaporation from liquid stage to gas stage in a ratio of approximately 1: 694 at 20 degrees Celsius.

Airborne direct seeding on types of clouds of mixed-phase intensified Cumulus transitioning Cumulonimbus, and Cumulonimbus itself at areas with proximity to sections of underneath, base, upper base, and near cloud base from the aircraft using some small certain amount of LN2 in comparison to each actual size and condition of cloud is the method to stimulate and force it to yield rain by a ‘guided dew point technique’ which simply means lowering the ambient temperature near cloud to pass its dew point while increasing relative humidity in the sky around near cloud.

The cloud stimulation technique by the use of some amount of LN2, as when it is dispensed near stated sections in the above paragraph of the rain clouds, would also enhance and increase rain cloud’s precipitation of total surface rain-fall as the atmospheric pressure near and around the cloud also shrinks promoting further chain reaction of rain inside the targeted rain cloud with sudden condensation, collision, and coalescence making the rain cloud to yield even more amount of raindrops and in much bigger sizes. 
Another solid consequence to the cloud physical condition, as when air-mass surrounding the lower sides and bottom parts of the rain cloud becomes super-cooled and shrunk by the cryogenic LN2 airborne dispensing, is that during the process of this leaking rain the cloud base also sinks to much lower altitude as it gets genuinely more heavier with large raindrops that the cloud remains almost stationary, anchoring itself with precipitation at coolest area, and more closer and over intended catchment targets where LN2 is sprayed until it gets weakening prior to its dispersing stage. 

The method for air-spraying operation is done by some small simple aircraft modification. The aircraft used is modified to be installed with stainless-steel funnel through its belly in the aft cargo section of the aircraft.

The LN2 is then manually dispensed by crew on board through the installed funnel, which sucks out air in flight due to respectively greater and lesser different air pressures internally and externally, during the airborne direct seeding operation as required from a carry on, and/or an on board, cryogenic LN2 Dewar bottle with ‘Liquid Withdrawal Device’ LWD as available in general market. ( Taylor-Wharton )

The purpose of using the LWD is just mainly for convenience and safety as well as for constant rates and intervals of air-dispensing. However, a simple cryogenic LN2 Dewar bottle with lid and without LWD could be used as well. In this case the LN2 is simply and carefully, with lid opened, poured down the stainless-steel funnel at desired rate and amount. 

(Full-face safety goggles, gloves, outfits, caps, and shoes of all items made of suitable materials must be worn by personnel at all times during air-spraying of LN2 using both methods.)

(During operations prior to take off, airborne, and after landing, special care and attention must be commenced, implemented, carried out, checked, and rechecked in order to reassure that all types of LN2 Dewar bottles are taken care of correctly with maximum safety concerns. For example, Dewar bottles must sit upright and vented at all times and that internal pressure of LN2 is not built up too higher than recommended, warned, and placarded as full safety precaution by each manufacturer.)

The above picture is about the cryogenic ‘LN2 Dewar bottle’ with a ‘liquid withdrawal device’ -  ‘LWD’ manufacturer: Taylor-Wharton, ‘quoted’:

1) ‘Cryogenic phase separator’ 
2) ‘Liquid valve’ 
3) ‘Gas vent valve’ 
4) ‘Pressure gauge and safety relief valves’ 
5) ‘Clamping band’

‘The liquid withdrawal device just clamps onto an ordinary plug-top Dewar. The clamp seals the top and allows the Dewar to develop about 11 psi. Above that pressure, excess nitrogen is vented from a relief valve making some small hissing noise. Sometimes, if the Dewar is overfilled, the valve will get frozen open and all LN could be lost. To correct this error the valve can be tapped to shut it or gently heating it to unfreeze it. If the relief valve clogs and fails (as opposed to freezing open, which is not a safety issue, but an issue of losing LN2), the secondary safety valve kicks in’. 

Rain Clouds Precipitation Enhancement Technique, 

(A Supplemental Operation to the Invention of 1.1):

Now to enhance more precipitation out of the targeted existing Cumulus and Cumulonimbus clouds completely natural ‘Clay Desiccant’ and/or ‘Dry Soil’ and/or ‘Woods-Earthen Organic Ashes-Dusts’ in different sizes of microscopic dust particles are used as agents – substances to promote collision and coalescence of rain droplets as well as acting as more hygroscopic Cloud Condensation Nuclei(s) and direct large embryo(s), the building blocks of clouds and large rain droplets, absorbing more humidity giving more fuel of rain-elements to the clouds.

This totally non-toxic and environmental friendly natural agent – substance at some certain small amount, depends on the size of clouds, which is carried on board an aircraft is manually fed by crew on board as direct seeding by air-spraying through stainless-steel funnel near and/or inside the ‘mixed phase’ and at ‘up-draft regions of convective clouds’ in order to let the turbulence of clouds does its own job sucking the agent - substance into the clouds’ growth circulation.

The result is that clouds would develop to be higher and more intensified with even more amount of precipitable water and larger rain droplets yielding much more total amount of surface rain-fall.

2) Fog, Haze, Heavy Mist, Clouds, and Weather Damage Mitigation and Dispersing

The techniques are invented and architected to disperse and mitigate weather damage and adverse weather conditions of fog, haze, heavy mist, and clouds. 

When the condition for cloud-elements is favorable and extreme with significant high in humidity, heat, and instability then cloud would naturally form up and develop well rapidly to become intensified rain cloud or summer storm. During these stages of clouds’ growth these Cumulus-Cumulonimbus clouds would finally build up to become super-cooled clouds and severely intensified with their tops getting up high approaching freezing levels or more. This would create storms of too heavy rain shower, thunder storms, and hail storms.

Now the technique is by the use of air-spraying dispensing some amount of LN2, according to actual size of the cloud to anticipate their development during early stage, at top parts and down and around the upper mid-sections in closest proximity and/or inside them. The clouds would then collapse due to extremely super-cooled condition that LN2 has produced by its effect that some rain droplets suddenly burst and yield rain at that moments greatly retarding clouds’ internal latent heat, slowing down the circulations of up-draft and down-draft that make up the growth of clouds.

The same manner of technique is applied to disperse and mitigate fog, haze, and heavy mist. By introducing and dispensing some super-cooled agent - substance LN2 to the areas where there is a presence of moist water vapors in the forms of any type of stated adverse weather it would then condense and turn and change into droplets and fall as similar ‘Virga’ type of rain or very light kind of rain which further makes fog, haze, and heavy mist disappeared.

In addition to the application of LN2 to disperse rain storm, as stated in previous paragraph, by the use of ‘Clay Desiccant’ and/or ‘Dry Soil’ and/or ‘Woods-Earthen Organic Ashes-Dusts’ in different sizes of microscopic dust particles, these natural substances can also be accounted for to accelerate the precipitation process to reduce the mean altitude of center of gravity of the storm lowering the top of cloud. This is applied by airborne direct seeding of large amount of the substances into the rain storm cloud, which likely to develop with high altitude top to become intensified rain storm, at its updraft region when the cloud is around 40 dBz. of radar reflectivity. The substances when captured by cloud’s internal turbulence it would strongly promote collision and coalescence of rain droplets accelerating the precipitation process making the cloud to yield rain while slowing down the cloud’s convective development. For best result the seeding should be done at least 30 – 40 minutes at certain cell or just some cells only nearby. 

(Article and Invention are copyrighted @ 2013 under intellectual property right laws.
by M.L.Chititewan Devakul)


Cloud Seeding and Precipitation Augmentation by ‘Tracing Nature Techniques’:

Invented by M.L.Chititewan Devakul, May 2013

Cloud Seeding and Precipitation Augmentation by environmental friendly ‘Tracing Nature Techniques’ aimed for rain making are invented and designed especially to suit the economic, social, and weather conditions in present days. Because of great concerns shared by all for environment and side effect in general, even though actually harmless, are also still always much questioned when the operations by other typical cloud seeding methods known presently and long before are carried out.
Besides, the overall positive result of cloud seeding missions’ today has to be precise and well met in most aspects which must always as well remain efficient and effective in all circumstances. Keeping the overhead-costs low are also most important in order to stay cost effective as much as possible. 
The most simple techniques and processes invented and designed herein are, therefore, by simply tracing nature of how clouds and rain clouds actually form up. The application is by the use of possible lowest cost materials which are clean and green and are also most environmental friendly and completely non-toxic. However, in the same time, these natural matters of agents or substances are also much easy to find and are far more practical and convenient to use. These are mainly the ‘clay desiccant’ and ‘LN2’ which are emphasized jointly along, also alternatively in comparison and choices, with other kinds of known substances in this technical literature.

Description of Processes:
1) Agitating and Seeding Process:
Besides dry powdered salt – the Sodium Chloride, also natural substance in fact in similarity to ‘dry woods-earthen organic ashes-dusts’, and/or ‘dry soil’, and/or ‘fine dry sand’ in which in this case industrial clean ‘clay desiccant’ all in micro-particles of around 30 microns up is best to be considered as introduced in the first place.
Further the types of Sodium Chloride as well as Calcium Chloride of burn in place flares, which produce super-micron particles, all can be used in aerial operations in the same way to agitate the sky to seed the clouds and/or to enhance existing Stratiform clouds or other kinds of clouds towards their development.
This is in order to create favorable atmospheric condition for cloud to form up by introducing and spreading more cloud condensation nuclei(s) – the building blocks of cloud into the sky especially, at regions with maritime weather and climatology with small CCN in the environment and sky naturally.
The process is actually similar to the natural occurrence of inland ‘continental convective clouds’ in very warm and humid days, which form up themselves much easily over huge areas of land, where there is a presence of more natural particulate matters suspended in unstable air and there would be even much of them when wind blows up more dusts from ground into the sky. In addition, in the sky of today’s world there seem to be also further effects of much more higher CCN in forms of smoke and ashes from agricultural methods nowadays especially deep into mountainous country-sides. All kinds of dust, fume, and gases which are produced by busier human’s activities and cities are also accounted to much higher CCN in the atmosphere.

2) Stimulating and Inducing Growth Process:
Hygroscopic flares of Calcium Chloride and more, if suitably needed, of Sodium Chloride flares or in powdered micro-particles as well as clay desiccant can be used to increase heat energy for all existing various cells of Stratiform clouds, Nimbustratus, Alto-Cumulus, and Cumulus clouds.

3) Harvesting and Augmenting Process:
Powdered salt – the Sodium Chloride and/or clay desiccant in micro-particles and liquid nitrogen - LN2 for rain enhancement can be used together at the same time spraying at different altitudes on intensified Cumulonimbus clouds to increase relative humidity and to lower ambient temperature.
Also the LN2 alone can be used underneath the cloud depending on its stage and condition. This is besides, alternatively, the use of minuscule chipped-flakes dry-ice.
If LN2 is not solely used then otherwise both substances spraying out simultaneously together in mixing for the LN2 to make the powdered salt and/or clay desiccant to turn much cooler to increase the humidity in the air to become even more effectively greater and also to make the cloud yield rain over targeted catchment by the inventor’s so called ‘guided sudden dew point’ technique.
Again this can be carried out in the same way by spraying underneath and/or at more upper levels of the cloud as appropriated according to actual phases or stages of most cells of the rain clouds.
At this process the burn in place types of hygroscopic flares of either Sodium Chloride or Calcium Chloride can also still be applied as well with intended flight path(s) to be at updraft regions and preferably at very low temperature levels of the cells of clouds near their active centers of gravity. If the hygroscopic flares are not used then again the powdered salt – the Sodium Chloride and/or clay desiccant in micro-particles can be used in the same manners to directly add up more water vapor and embryos for more new droplets as well as promoting rain cloud internal collision and coalescence of droplets for far more intensity and larger rain droplets while accelerating the precipitation process enhancing and prolonging the rain in the same time. The result is of course much higher total surface rainfalls.

Substances Used and Preparations:
For ‘clay desiccant’ which in general comes in small rounded shape of beads of about one-fourth of a centimeter or more of around 2,500-3,000 microns, a simple industrial electric milling machine can be used to do the job to create powdered clay or soil micro-particles.
The choice is that clay desiccant can possibly be ordered and purchased from manufacturers also specifically in form of micro-particles. For convenience to use it could come in a fifteen kilograms package of water proof air tight bag made of lowest cost materials.
LN2 can certainly be sought easily in the market as it is used widely in industrial processes.
Powdered salt the Sodium Chloride is as well widely available in the market. In the same manner as clay desiccant salt can also possibly be ordered and purchased specifically from manufacturers in form of micro-particles. And for the same reason of convenience to use it could come in a fifteen kilograms package of water proof air tight bag made of lowest cost materials.
Small scale powder milling machine for various materials type of electric motor operated available in general market of industrial machines can also be used to grind substances at cloud seeding operational base site.

Aircraft Modification:
The simplest method for aircraft modification is by the installing of manual fed seeding stainless-steel funnel directly through the belly at aft section, (please refer to pictures) of the aircraft. For example, aircraft such as the Cessna Caravan C-208, or of those similar one(s), can be used as good reliable work horse to do the aerial seeding job on all processes and conditions.
Besides being most versatile and highly maneuverable with good performance, the Cessna Caravan also has low operating cost per hour with good payload and long flight time duration. This can make cloud seeding for rain making and rain enhancement efficient, and effective in term of both overhead-costs and outcomes.

(Article and Techniques Architected are copyrighted @ 2013 under intellectual property right laws.)


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